(Disqus comments inside)
Surely you know about the racist chants at Oklahoma University. Two former members of the fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon were caught on video chanting this:
Common decency says these 19 year old boys need to have their lives ended. Some young people get into gangs. Some young people do drugs. And some young people yet do the most dangerous thing: Chant things that are racially hurtful.
In every other country on the planet, at least in the west, these boys would be sent to a Human Rights tribunal and thrown in jail for saying bad things. But in America, the primitive 'constitution' protects bigoted speech from criminal prosecution. "Freedom of Speech," as they say.
This is completely at odds with international law which the US is bound to. The United Nations has stated many times that all ideas based on racial superiority must be outlawed. By failing to prosecute hurtful racist words, the United States is violating international law. The United Nations has stated many times that international law has absolute authority.
As a Feminist I believe in freedom of speech, but I also believe in a person's right to go through life without any racial vilification. Your right to "Free Speech" ends where People Of Color's feelings begin. We all learned that in school. It's not up for debate.
America is way behind the times when it comes to human rights. We need Hate Speech laws here, just like there are in the rest of the English-speaking world. That way, we can take throw 19-year-olds in jail when they say bad things. In the name of Human Rights. Do YOU have any decency?