Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ignore Gang Rape if it Reinforces Racial Stereotypes

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Well, if you pay attention to Florida local news you might have heard that these two individuals and one other gang-raped a spring-breaker at Panama City Beach. Hundreds of college stood there on the beach, watching this gang-rape take place. And the Bay County Sheriff called this the "sickest thing he'd ever seen."

Rape Culture is a serious problem on university campuses. And I believe that every accusation of fraternity rape needs to get national attention. A rape accusation should be more than enough to shut down an entire fraternity on campus.A few months ago, students at the University of Virginia staged massive protests against fraternity sexual assaults. These protests were organized by Feminist groups, and I am so proud of that. Even though sexual assaults in that case were found to be false, it's a good thing that at least the student body is aware and awake to the issues.

Rolling Stone did the right thing by publishing its rape story from University of Virginia, even though it ended up being not true. Hey, it's better to be safe than sorry. While the allegations turned out to be false, Rolling Stone's courageous journalism brought national attention to a real problem, and I think we can all agree this is a GOOD thing.

However, both Feminists and Rolling Stone have shown grand restraint in reporting the Panama City gang-rape case which, unlike the UVA case, actually happened because we have it on tape. This restraint is because the perpetrators are Black People of Color.

Rape is important, but we have to be careful not to perpetuate racial stereotypes, and so Rolling Stone and the Feminist community are really doing the right thing here by remaining silent on this real gang rape, while casting national attention to a rape that didn't even happen.

The truth is, in this multicultural world we are building, we have to be very careful about the stereotypes that we are putting forward. Gang rape cases where Black Males are the perpetrators really need to be downplayed because highlighting cases like these is likely to cause division in the community, and that's the LAST thing we want.

As a housekeeping issue, comments are welcome, but keep in mind this is a Feminist-Only Safe Zone.

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