Sunday, June 21, 2015

We Must Destroy 'The White Race.'

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And I literally have tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat rising as I write these words…

I took the time to read the details about the dear people who were sitting in that church in Charleston, people whose kindness to the shooter “almost” caused him to change his mind.

That detail breaks my heart even more deeply.

Why did I read all those life-stories?  Why would I welcome such detailed pain into my life? I'll tell you why: Because it helps me better understand the importance of my mission to destroy the 'White Race.' And there is no better example of why this needs to happen than the events in Charleston last week.

White people are sick. There, I said it, and it needs to be said and I feel better having said it. Whiteness needs to be abolished. Do I mean 'kill all whites?' Of course not. I liken it to those who want to abolish the monarchy. That doesn't mean 'kill the king.' It just means 'get rid of the titles and the privilege.'

And I want nothing more than to do just that. Abolish whiteness. Enact even higher quotas. Higher quotas until women are 50% of corporate boardrooms. Higher quotas until people of color are at least half of all engineers, lawyers and doctors. More affirmative action. Open those borders. And don't just open those borders, but gerrymander the school districts so that little white girls are in the classroom with little black boys. Subsidize interracial marriages, because that's the only way we're ever going to get rid of racism for good. Don't just applaud it in the media like we do, really support it.

That way we won't ever have racist outbursts such as what we have seen.

Sensitivity training just isn't enough. White Privilege conferences are great, but they need to be MANDATORY and ALL white children should be placed in them at age five, much like how German children are forced to see mutilated and charred bodies from concentration camps. We must 'brainwash' whiteness out of these people so that they can be normal human beings again.

We can do it. We can do it through education. We can do it through pharmaceutical pills. We can do it through microchips and real-time monitoring technology. And we can do it through social engineering. I will not abandon my focus on whiteness, no matter how vehement the pleas. Make no mistake about it: I intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as 'the white race' is destroyed. Not 'deconstructed,' but destroyed.

Please keep all comments civil, constructive and Feminist-friendly. Thanks. 

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