Pee Your Pants?

You know what? I am so sick of Disqus. I've TRIED educating middle America about Feminism, progressivism and Critical Race Theory. Sadly, despite my best attempts, I have to say that most of these "people" just aren't willing to better themselves. Still, there has been some progress. Below are some of my most successful forays into making the wrong-headed people see things the way they should be seen.

MSNBC is really the most socially conscious news network on cable television. Unfortunately some ignorant people were slandering it on some news websites. I came in to do some consensus-building and outreach. 


In this argument there was a disagreement about what a 'racist' was. As a social justice organizer, I know that RACISM = Prejudice + Power. Someone accused me of 'making up' that definition, and proceeded to give me the 'dictionary' definition of 'racism.' People need to understand that the English language is rife with institutional sexism. Here is how they took it. I don't see what's so funny about this at all.


After that I went to Infowars for a pow-wow with the Alex Jones people. Unfortunately, they can't stop being paranoid with their conspiracy theories. I assure you that I'm NOT a Jesuit priest.


I really hate when people call me names. I don't deserve this. I'm a victim.


As a social progressive, we all know that Rape Culture is everywhere, even where it isn't apparent. In the previous post I found a strain of Rape Apology, and decided to share my Feminist perspective. I think I'll chalk this woman up as 'neutral' to Feminism. 


This woman struggles to understand how men use language to cast women into a secondary gender role in society. At a young age boys are permitted to use 'potty language,' but girls are not because doing so is 'un-ladylike.' As a Feminist, I frequently liberate myself by using potty words, and I feel great every time I do so because I know that I am sticking it to the Patriarchy. This woman didn't seem to understand, though.


Here I speak about an issue that is near and dear to my heart: A mother's right to mutilate her newborn boy's genitals. 'Bianca' disagreed with my assertion, but I still don't see why. I mean, come on, what's wrong with ripping the foreskin off of an infant? It only tears off some 20,000 nerve endings on the penis. And hey, it's just a boy. No need to be concerned, right? Well, I still hold out hope that 'Bianca' will one day see the light about  the benefits of mutilating infant genitals. Hey. America IS a civilized culture, after all.


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