Wednesday, October 7, 2015

When It's Best To Ignore 'Rape'

When is rape excusable? As a Feminist, I struggled with that question when hearing that a 30-year old activist from 'No Borders' was raped in a sultry shower session with six Somali sojurners. 'No Borders,' a great progressive organization, pressured the woman not to report the rape because it would hurt the cause of the migrants. Unfortunately, this woman came back a month later and reported the ordeal to police, and now the fucking right wing media outlets are broadcasting it all over. Ugh. This is exactly why, when black men of color such as Somali Migrants rape a white women, white women really shouldn't report these instances, sad to say.

Yes, rape culture is a serious thing, but I believe that 'No Borders' was right to pressure this woman not to report the rape. The reason is obvious: The minute she came out, the right wing got hard to work spreading racism and reinforcing negative stereotypes about the migrants.

And that's the real crime here. Let's be perfectly clear about this: Yes, the rape of white women is somewhat unfortunate, but the REAL atrocity is that the story was allowed to perpetuate negative stereotypes about African Migrants. That should NOT have been allowed to happen, even if that means not reporting rape.

The Migrants are the real victims here. They came such a long way and had such a hard journey. Most of these migrants are male. They are coming from war torn countries, and are now in a foreign land that isn't being very nice to them. And hey, they probably haven't had sex in a long time and needed to blow off a little steam. That's understandable. As Liberals, we need to make accommodations for that.

In conclusion, I just want to say that all you white people that are upset about this rape need to check your privilege. White Supremacy is what caused these migrants to have a hard life, and White Supremacy is what brought them here to Europe. Rape of any woman is unfortunate, but I think we have to look inside ourselves and see that WE are the problem. That's why I think this gang-rape is totally excusable this time, and I hope you've come out of this with a greater understanding.

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