Let's face it: We all know that "race" is a social construct. The scientists have proven it! There is no such thing as race, but there certainly is such a thing as White Privilege! Look at it this way: Whiteness is like a club, which enrolls certain people at birth. They don't have a choice. But if they're in, they get certain privileges.
For example, I'm a "white" person. Here in Texas I live in a majority-Latino town, and most of the police force is Latino as well. Once I was going too fast on a speed-bumped residential street and the police officer pulled me over. I still remember the officer: Young, Hispanic. If Eric Estrada were born and raised in Texas, he would have looked like this guy. He asked me for my license, and guess what? I didn't even have it. I was just going to pick up some things at the convenience store.
Technically I should have been cited for speeding and then had my license suspended for driving without it. If I were black, or even Latino, this officer no doubt would have done that. He also probably would have shot me in the head. But, it's sad to say, even police officers who are POCs give "white" people the benefit of the doubt all the time. The young, tailgaiting, Dr. Pepper-drinking version of Eric Estrada let me off with a warning.
I mean, hey! It's not like "white" people did anything to earn this privilege. I haven't checked the statistics, but I'm sure that white people commit just as much crime as everyone else, right? But I digress.
Anytime someone tells me that white privilege "doesn't exist," I tell them my story about myself and the Texan Erich Estrada. Then I tell them to picture Trayvon's sweet face.
The moral of this story is that this 'club' of white privilege needs to be dissolved. Unfortunately, so many "white" people are reluctant to give up their privilege that makes their lives easy-breezy. These people all identify themselves as "white." And because white privilege exists, anyone who identifies as white is therefore working to maintain white privilege.
How do we get around this? The answer is simple? We need to abolish the white race.
Does abolishing the white race mean mass-genocide all white people? No, no, no. Although my right wing, tin-foil hat wearing detractors would like to convince you so. Remember, race doesn't exist (and the scientists have proven it, so don't question, k?), therefore, abolishing the "white race" only means getting rid of a social construct.
In other words, "white" people need to stop identifying themselves as such. How this can be done is the subject of debate, although I personally believe in conditioning, er, I mean, educating children from a young age about how bad it is to identify with their "race."
In any case, I mean it when I say that we need to continue bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as "the white race" is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.
Oh let me guess you think I'm a 'radical' feminist and 'radical' liberal, right? You don't think my views are mainstream? Hmpf. Well guess what, Harvard Magazine and a Harvard professor are what put forward the idea of abolishing the white race. Yeah, THAT Harvard. And I STAND WITH HARVARD. Do you Stand with Harvard?
Oh and PS: Just ignore the Disqus comments in the magazine. Disqus is a hangout for evil racist neckbeards who need to be re-educated. I tried to call them to tell them to do Anita Sarkeesian treatment on it's comments section, but I can't get through. Too bad.
I am not sure if this is satire, but I hope so, because if it is not, I have lost all faith in the human race. Jesus you people, (if you are serious), have to be the vilest most uneducated stupid people I have ever seen. How sensitive are you that mere words hurt you? and why are you against the 1st amendment. THAT IS WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO SAY THIS AT ALL!