Wednesday, September 16, 2015

If You're Against 11-Year Old Boys Lip-Locking, Then You're Just a Homophobe

Wow, what a beautiful piece of art this is. Thank you FCKH8, for telling the world that it's OK for 11-year old boys to experiment. FCKH8 is doing a great job combating homophobia, and if you are against this, then you're a homophobe as well. 

Please join the FCKH8 movement and help the LGBT community bring tolerance to the world. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The UK Needs To Be The Next Sweden. So DON'T Sign This Petition

Folks in the UK; you know how much you need Multiculturalism and Diversity. And you also know that very soon migrants will be coming to the UK. Angela Merkel wants you to take them and I agree with her. Think of all the new diversity you're going to get! It's going to be great!

That's why you must NOT sign this petition, under any circumstances!

If you're in the UK, you'd better not sign that. If you do, you're an evil racist.