Friday, October 30, 2015

Bernie Sanders Has a PROBLEM with WOMEN

Well, it happened YET AGAIN. Bernie Sanders has a real problem keeping his mouth from making SEXIST comments. On last week's Democratic Debate Sanders referred to Hillary Clinton as 'shouting' about gun violence. She wasn't shouting, but the problem is that Bernie Sanders seems to think that whenever a woman talks she must be shouting. That's the only thing I could gather from Bernie Sanders, but you can have a look for yourself. Fast forward to 2:00 on the video below.

You see, Bernie boy, you clearly don't GET how far this country has come with sexism. Back when you still had a full head of hair we may have let sexist bullshit like that slide, but not anymore you old dinosaur. You need to GET WITH THE TIMES or just GET OUT, because WE are the Millennial generation of Tolerance, and we do NOT tolerate that kind of speech. I like Senator Sanders, and I might have just ignored this last SEXIST comment from him, but he's made sexist comments before.

In fact, I was the one who CALLED IT. I CALLED the fact that Bernie Sanders had a problem with women and minorities a whole month ago! And sooo many of you people, you old, white FOSSILS that call yourselves 'progressives,' denied and ridiculed me. Well how does it feel now? I'm totally vindicated. And as for you people on Mediaite who laughed at me, you TURDS could have been considered progressive forty years ago, but like BLACK LIVES MATTER says: This ain't yo mama's Civil Rights Movement. White Liberals have a LOT to answer for, because quite frankly, being white is strike one. Being hetero cisgendered is strike two. Being white, hetero and male like Bernie Sanders is? Well my gosh. You MORONS should have kept a better eye on him.

The bottom line is this: Just because a Cisgendered, Heteronromative White Male calls himself a 'progressive' doesn't mean he gets a free pass. We need to be ever vigilant of these people. Even if they mean well, their biology is sick. 

Let this gaffe be the END of Bernie Sanders' campaign. He looks tired. Bernie, you should have a rest, we Tolerant Millennial Progressives will take over from here. I don't know how much more I can emphasize this, but our next candidate, and president, NEEDS to be Hillary Clinton.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

When It's Best To Ignore 'Rape'

When is rape excusable? As a Feminist, I struggled with that question when hearing that a 30-year old activist from 'No Borders' was raped in a sultry shower session with six Somali sojurners. 'No Borders,' a great progressive organization, pressured the woman not to report the rape because it would hurt the cause of the migrants. Unfortunately, this woman came back a month later and reported the ordeal to police, and now the fucking right wing media outlets are broadcasting it all over. Ugh. This is exactly why, when black men of color such as Somali Migrants rape a white women, white women really shouldn't report these instances, sad to say.

Yes, rape culture is a serious thing, but I believe that 'No Borders' was right to pressure this woman not to report the rape. The reason is obvious: The minute she came out, the right wing got hard to work spreading racism and reinforcing negative stereotypes about the migrants.

And that's the real crime here. Let's be perfectly clear about this: Yes, the rape of white women is somewhat unfortunate, but the REAL atrocity is that the story was allowed to perpetuate negative stereotypes about African Migrants. That should NOT have been allowed to happen, even if that means not reporting rape.

The Migrants are the real victims here. They came such a long way and had such a hard journey. Most of these migrants are male. They are coming from war torn countries, and are now in a foreign land that isn't being very nice to them. And hey, they probably haven't had sex in a long time and needed to blow off a little steam. That's understandable. As Liberals, we need to make accommodations for that.

In conclusion, I just want to say that all you white people that are upset about this rape need to check your privilege. White Supremacy is what caused these migrants to have a hard life, and White Supremacy is what brought them here to Europe. Rape of any woman is unfortunate, but I think we have to look inside ourselves and see that WE are the problem. That's why I think this gang-rape is totally excusable this time, and I hope you've come out of this with a greater understanding.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bernie Sanders Is A Fart In The Wind

I get it. White liberals like Bernie Sanders because his message is unscripted and less calculated than Hillary Clinton's. But hold on, and Check Your Privilege. Bernie Sanders rallies are whiter than Donald Trump rallies. Think that's a coincidence? It's not. Bernie Sanders is out of tune with the demands of People of Color, Feminists and LGBTs, and in being so, he is out of touch with the FUTURE of the democratic party.

Yes, I know he was part of the Civil Rights movement fifty years ago, but frankly, that was a long time ago, and Black Lives Matter is NOT your mama's civil rights movement. Black Lives Matter has a real problem with Bernie Sanders, and the reason is that Bernie just doesn't get it. It's not just about equal protection under the law anymore, Bernie. We want more than that. It's about Institutional Racism, and people of color need preferential treatment to overcome that. We need higher quotas. We need Hate Speech Laws. We need laws that fire police departments if Black Men are disproportionately arrested. 

Your economic plans are great, but we want SOCIAL justice. Black unemployment at 30%? Honestly, that doesn't matter. What matters is passing more laws to get White People and White Supremacy. You got that, Bernie Sanders?

And then ugh, the Feminist issue. 

A few months ago Bernie Sanders was interviewed by a Feminist blogger. The Feminist blogger rightly pointed out that Hillary Clinton's hair gets more scrutiny than Bernie Sanders' hair, because Hillary is a woman. This is a SERIOUS issue in the election because it shows just how deep misogyny runs in this election. One would suspect that if Bernie were a real 'progressive,' he would get this.

But he didn't. Like a typical misogynist he brushed off the question and belittled it. Told the reporter to talk about 'serious' things. Well excuse me, Senator Sanders, but patriarchy is a serious issue to THE OTHER HALF OF HUMANITY! Hello?! And yeah, I know Sanders came back and gave a better answer, but that was only after he'd been schooled on why it mattered to us Feminists. I don't want my presidential candidate to have to be told why Patriarchy is a problem. If he doesn't GET IT, then he's just another misogynist.

Listen, Bernie Sanders is a has-been. He did great things fifty years ago, but now it's time for him to take a rest. We'll take it from here. 

And to all you Liberal voters. I have one thing to say: Check your privilege. 

Do you want to win this election? Or do you want Donald Trump to be our next president?