Friday, September 9, 2016

Migrants Need Sex Too

It happened again. Ten war-traumatized Afghan refugees were so hurt by war, and then in Europe were marginalized from society to the point where they felt the need to lash out. At night aboard a Paris train these culturally-rich refugees saw a French women and had a sexual emergency. While I do feel bad for the woman involved, I think we need to realize that 1) 99.99314159% of refugees are PEACEFUL, and 2) that the real victims here are the refugees who have been traumatized.

Here's another thing. I am very upset at Le Parisien for even reporting these attacks. After all, reporting refugee crime leads to the societal image that refugees are criminals, and they don't deserve that. Remember, this is a time where journalistic portrayals of "the other" can cause hatred in society, just like in the 30s in Germany. This time we have to get it right. I think we can all agree with that. 

But the west needs to take this incident as an opportunity to learn, and put themselves in the shoes of the refugees for once. According to UN statistics, about 75% of all refugees who arrived in Europe are young men. This has skewed the gender balances in many European countries, like Sweden, France and Germany. This has caused social problem. It just has. We have to accept and work through those problems. We just do.

Until we can think of a long-term solution, we need to accept the reality on the ground. And that reality is that these traumatized refugees are having a Sexual Emergency. In the immediate future there is only one way to solve this problem, and that is to allow these traumatized victims a little bit of leniency with privileged European women. 

Afghan migrants had their feelings hurt from rejection here in Hungary are now having a sexual emergency.

Now as a Feminist I am all about women's rights and the seriousness of rape culture. It's an important thing for me. But we need to accept that fact that Europe is not going to be this homogenous society it used to be. It will have to learn to be multicultural, but European countries aren't able to bring every migrant's families to their new home, and we need to balance that into the equation. 

As a Feminist I propose that when Afghan migrants are having a Sexual Emergency, they be allowed to grope and touch privileged European women and not be brutalized by police. If rape is to happen, instead of a prison sentence I propose Feminist classes for migrant perpetrators and maybe some community service. With that, we get a real 'win win.' Afghan mens' Sexual Emergencies will be relieved, and at the same time they some will get more civics classes on integration into European society.

Finally I want to say, my comments section is open, but stop leaving fucking misogynist comments on here. This is a feminist-only comment space. ONLY Feminists, LGBTs and people of color are allowed to comment here. IF you are outside of this, I request that you ask permission in the comments section below before sharing your opinion, in order to prevent microaggressions and traumatiziation. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Abuse of Leslie Jones. Must Stop. Now.

They just banned mega troll Milo Yinnopolous. Kudos to Twitter, because I can't tell you how disgusted I am with these "Free Speech" people. Yes, Free Speech is great and everything, and I'm the first person to tell you how important free speech is, but what about the RIGHT of people of color not to have to live their lives in intimidation? You people ever think of THAT?

Frankly I'm sick of a lot of these internet trolls, and I think the suspension of Milo Yinnopolous should just be the beginning. For example, look at the comments section on my very own Groundbreaking Intersectional Feminist blog right here: It is filled with abuse, from my gender to my orientation, to body shaming. And I've had it. I demand that Disqus do something to permanently ban these people from using their service due to the stress this has caused me in my life.

But enough about me. This is about Leslie Jones fighting her oppressors on Twitter. Leslie Jones is such a hero, and I am a huge fan of the smash-hit, box-office topping Ghostbusters. This woman of color is so courageous. Look at how she deals with people saying mean things on Twitter:

This is how courageous people of color stand up for themselves. I am so happy that Twitter did the right thing and sided with Leslie on this, and got rid of "whitebecky1776" for saying mean things. Saying mean things to people of color is a violation of human rights. On the other hand, Leslie was definitely NOT violating Twitter's terms of service here in any way. So we see who is in the right.

If you've left mean comments on this blog, check yourself, because I think you're in big trouble. I am working to get DISCUS SECURITY to ban you for harassment of vulnerable people. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Whoever posted this video of me it needs to be taken down now

Excuse me but whoever the girl is that posted this needs to take it DOWN right now. You did NOT have permission to tape me and it has come to my attention that this video is being spread. I did NOT give you permission to tape me. I will report this to campus police

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Affirmative Policing: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Can we be real for a minute? I am stick and tired of the racism that people of color have to go through. A 17 year old BLACK CHILD was gunned down by a white homeowner in Miami. yes, Trayvon Johnson, the BLACK CHILD, broke into the woman's house and was stealing things, shooting a BLACK CHILD is not necessary and that nasty white woman needs to be charged with murder, period. 

But that's almost beside the point, sadly. This happens too many times for it not to be systemic and we need a systemic solution. I think the new wave of social justice can be found in Affirmative Policing. Affirmative Action in the workplace has worked very well for black people who we all agree need a leg up due to systemic racism. The systemic racism exists just as much in policing, so why not enact Affirmative Policing? 

I could go on and on with the statistics. Black people are incarcerated at a much higher rate than white people. Black people are arrested far more often than white people. Black people are more likely to be reported for crimes. All this is evidence that people are being racist in reporting black people more often for crime. And even if black people are committing more crime (which I don't think they really are), then it's society's fault for making them poor and desperate.

Some (not all, but some) of this can be alleviated by adjusting policing rules to give black people an advantage in dealing with police, to adjust incarceration rates. For example, if a black child invades someone's house and Kills someone, police should just let that child off with a warning. When stopping black males for violent crimes, police should allow those black males to get off the first time no matter what. I think we can all agree that a little leniency would go a long way.

Honestly, it seems like nothing can end racism. It's everywhere, and that makes me sick. But we can take another step to solving the problem by affirmative policing. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Some URGENT Thoughts on White Privilege Conference

As a respected Feminist in my community and noted Feminist Blogger on the internet, I religiously attend the White Privilege Conference each and every year. It's one of the things I really enjoy, as it presents deep thinkers speaking the reality about things we usually never see. I really think the White Privilege Conference provides something needed for the community.

I'm attending every day of the White Privilege Conference, and this year I was really pleased  to be in sessions of the concurrent workshops. And I think I really added to the conversation with a Feminist Perspective.

Particularly the opening keynote with Yusef Salaam brought me to tears when he told us what Muslims have gone through in history and what they are continuing to go through now. I think that really was the highlight of the conference, especially in light of the bigotry coming from Republicans right now.

That's why I was so fucking disappointed when known white male "Historian" Jim Loewen showed up to give his keynote speech the next day. I'm of the opinion that any White Males coming to this conference should only be observers, but apparently even we at the White Privilege Conference have more work to do in checking our privilege.

It was what Loewen started saying that really caused me problems. He began giving a speech ans saying the N-Word. Yes, I know he was just trying to give examples of how it was used and was using quotations, BUT THIS IS NOT OK. NO white people should even be allowed to use those words due to the TRAUMA it has caused for CENTURIES.

I sat in my chair in shock. I just couldn't believe this and I felt we were all being taken back to a time when things were so bad for everyone except straight white cis males, and I could feel the trauma all over again. I know I wasn't the only one. I'm sad to say this but I began shaking and had to excuse myself to the bathrooms because I was having a mild panic attack.


I apologize for the rant here but my hands are literally shaking right now and I can barely type. FUCK YOU JIM LOEWEN FOR RUINING ONE OF THE FEW THINGS I LOVE IN THIS SICK WORLD