Wednesday, November 11, 2015

BIGOTS in Houston Kill Transgender Bathroom Ordinance

I apologize for the late response to this event but I am so fucking disgusted with the squalid BIGOTS in Texas that think it's OK to DISCRIMINATE against the Transgendered community. Last week the terrible city of Houston killed a bill that would allow people to use ANY bathroom consistent with their gender identity. In other words, equality and recognition for those who do not want to be defined by the genitals swinging between their legs.

Well, the bigots in Houston, and there's many of them, started a campaign called 'No Men In Women's Bathrooms!'

First of all, that kind of microaggressive, discriminatory speech is an assault on the minds of LGBTs and it shouldn't even be allowed. Second of all, they aren't "men," they are TRANS WOMEN. What the f*** part of that don't you bigots understand.

The 'logic' of these bigots is your typical ridiculous, patriarchal garbage.

"(It) would force businesses and public establishments to allow troubled men, or men who want to start trouble, to use women's public bathrooms, locker rooms and shower facilities. This endangers women and girls and places them in harm's way."

You hear fucking Sexism in that statement? The idea that women need 'special protection' is PART. OF. PATRIARCHY. Bottom line is, Houston, you have NO RIGHT to deny a transgender person entry into a restroom consistent with his or her gender identity.

Now Houston is going to feel the pain as the LGBT community organizes a BOYCOTT of the NFL for hosting its Super Bowl in a city of bigots.

Here's the deal: We got Indiana governor Mike Pence to back down for allowing businesses not to cater to gay weddings. We got Memories Pizza SHUT DOWN for voicing their incorrect opinions. We sued the shit out of Sweet Cakes by Melissa for denying a lesbian wedding cake and assaulting our minds. Now we're going to SHUT DOWN Houston and cost that city it's Super Bowl. Because we are the Millennials. We are the Tolerant Generation. And we GET what we WANT.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Bernie Sanders Has a PROBLEM with WOMEN

Well, it happened YET AGAIN. Bernie Sanders has a real problem keeping his mouth from making SEXIST comments. On last week's Democratic Debate Sanders referred to Hillary Clinton as 'shouting' about gun violence. She wasn't shouting, but the problem is that Bernie Sanders seems to think that whenever a woman talks she must be shouting. That's the only thing I could gather from Bernie Sanders, but you can have a look for yourself. Fast forward to 2:00 on the video below.

You see, Bernie boy, you clearly don't GET how far this country has come with sexism. Back when you still had a full head of hair we may have let sexist bullshit like that slide, but not anymore you old dinosaur. You need to GET WITH THE TIMES or just GET OUT, because WE are the Millennial generation of Tolerance, and we do NOT tolerate that kind of speech. I like Senator Sanders, and I might have just ignored this last SEXIST comment from him, but he's made sexist comments before.

In fact, I was the one who CALLED IT. I CALLED the fact that Bernie Sanders had a problem with women and minorities a whole month ago! And sooo many of you people, you old, white FOSSILS that call yourselves 'progressives,' denied and ridiculed me. Well how does it feel now? I'm totally vindicated. And as for you people on Mediaite who laughed at me, you TURDS could have been considered progressive forty years ago, but like BLACK LIVES MATTER says: This ain't yo mama's Civil Rights Movement. White Liberals have a LOT to answer for, because quite frankly, being white is strike one. Being hetero cisgendered is strike two. Being white, hetero and male like Bernie Sanders is? Well my gosh. You MORONS should have kept a better eye on him.

The bottom line is this: Just because a Cisgendered, Heteronromative White Male calls himself a 'progressive' doesn't mean he gets a free pass. We need to be ever vigilant of these people. Even if they mean well, their biology is sick. 

Let this gaffe be the END of Bernie Sanders' campaign. He looks tired. Bernie, you should have a rest, we Tolerant Millennial Progressives will take over from here. I don't know how much more I can emphasize this, but our next candidate, and president, NEEDS to be Hillary Clinton.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

When It's Best To Ignore 'Rape'

When is rape excusable? As a Feminist, I struggled with that question when hearing that a 30-year old activist from 'No Borders' was raped in a sultry shower session with six Somali sojurners. 'No Borders,' a great progressive organization, pressured the woman not to report the rape because it would hurt the cause of the migrants. Unfortunately, this woman came back a month later and reported the ordeal to police, and now the fucking right wing media outlets are broadcasting it all over. Ugh. This is exactly why, when black men of color such as Somali Migrants rape a white women, white women really shouldn't report these instances, sad to say.

Yes, rape culture is a serious thing, but I believe that 'No Borders' was right to pressure this woman not to report the rape. The reason is obvious: The minute she came out, the right wing got hard to work spreading racism and reinforcing negative stereotypes about the migrants.

And that's the real crime here. Let's be perfectly clear about this: Yes, the rape of white women is somewhat unfortunate, but the REAL atrocity is that the story was allowed to perpetuate negative stereotypes about African Migrants. That should NOT have been allowed to happen, even if that means not reporting rape.

The Migrants are the real victims here. They came such a long way and had such a hard journey. Most of these migrants are male. They are coming from war torn countries, and are now in a foreign land that isn't being very nice to them. And hey, they probably haven't had sex in a long time and needed to blow off a little steam. That's understandable. As Liberals, we need to make accommodations for that.

In conclusion, I just want to say that all you white people that are upset about this rape need to check your privilege. White Supremacy is what caused these migrants to have a hard life, and White Supremacy is what brought them here to Europe. Rape of any woman is unfortunate, but I think we have to look inside ourselves and see that WE are the problem. That's why I think this gang-rape is totally excusable this time, and I hope you've come out of this with a greater understanding.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bernie Sanders Is A Fart In The Wind

I get it. White liberals like Bernie Sanders because his message is unscripted and less calculated than Hillary Clinton's. But hold on, and Check Your Privilege. Bernie Sanders rallies are whiter than Donald Trump rallies. Think that's a coincidence? It's not. Bernie Sanders is out of tune with the demands of People of Color, Feminists and LGBTs, and in being so, he is out of touch with the FUTURE of the democratic party.

Yes, I know he was part of the Civil Rights movement fifty years ago, but frankly, that was a long time ago, and Black Lives Matter is NOT your mama's civil rights movement. Black Lives Matter has a real problem with Bernie Sanders, and the reason is that Bernie just doesn't get it. It's not just about equal protection under the law anymore, Bernie. We want more than that. It's about Institutional Racism, and people of color need preferential treatment to overcome that. We need higher quotas. We need Hate Speech Laws. We need laws that fire police departments if Black Men are disproportionately arrested. 

Your economic plans are great, but we want SOCIAL justice. Black unemployment at 30%? Honestly, that doesn't matter. What matters is passing more laws to get White People and White Supremacy. You got that, Bernie Sanders?

And then ugh, the Feminist issue. 

A few months ago Bernie Sanders was interviewed by a Feminist blogger. The Feminist blogger rightly pointed out that Hillary Clinton's hair gets more scrutiny than Bernie Sanders' hair, because Hillary is a woman. This is a SERIOUS issue in the election because it shows just how deep misogyny runs in this election. One would suspect that if Bernie were a real 'progressive,' he would get this.

But he didn't. Like a typical misogynist he brushed off the question and belittled it. Told the reporter to talk about 'serious' things. Well excuse me, Senator Sanders, but patriarchy is a serious issue to THE OTHER HALF OF HUMANITY! Hello?! And yeah, I know Sanders came back and gave a better answer, but that was only after he'd been schooled on why it mattered to us Feminists. I don't want my presidential candidate to have to be told why Patriarchy is a problem. If he doesn't GET IT, then he's just another misogynist.

Listen, Bernie Sanders is a has-been. He did great things fifty years ago, but now it's time for him to take a rest. We'll take it from here. 

And to all you Liberal voters. I have one thing to say: Check your privilege. 

Do you want to win this election? Or do you want Donald Trump to be our next president? 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

If You're Against 11-Year Old Boys Lip-Locking, Then You're Just a Homophobe

Wow, what a beautiful piece of art this is. Thank you FCKH8, for telling the world that it's OK for 11-year old boys to experiment. FCKH8 is doing a great job combating homophobia, and if you are against this, then you're a homophobe as well. 

Please join the FCKH8 movement and help the LGBT community bring tolerance to the world. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The UK Needs To Be The Next Sweden. So DON'T Sign This Petition

Folks in the UK; you know how much you need Multiculturalism and Diversity. And you also know that very soon migrants will be coming to the UK. Angela Merkel wants you to take them and I agree with her. Think of all the new diversity you're going to get! It's going to be great!

That's why you must NOT sign this petition, under any circumstances!

If you're in the UK, you'd better not sign that. If you do, you're an evil racist.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Outrage! Councilman Says Racist Words Out of the Workplace! Get Him!

Listen to this shit! I am so upset and triggered right now! Society needs to DO something because I'm OFFENDED! This fucking white redneck council member in Loudon, TN, who is also a towing mechanic, came under violent attack by a black guy who refused to pay. But here's the real crime: When the redneck called 9-11, HE SAID THE N-WORD! While on the line with 911!

THAT IS AN OUTRAGE! Get this guy fired! I don't care that he was angry and threatened in the heat of the moment! NO TOLERANCE!

I don't care that it was a 9-11 call! I don't care that he wasn't on his job when he did it! NO PRIVACY ANYMORE! GETTING WHITE PEOPLE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PRIVACY.


Do people who do this have no concept about the effects of their words? And the effects it has on some people's fucking feelings?!

This is how enraged I am!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

STOP Quoting Planned Parenthood Out Of Context!

I am sick, of, the, deception. I am so upset right now and I am literally on the verge of throwing up because of the baseless attacks against Planned Parenthood. Listen, those videos are taken out of context and edited, and the media is being evil for doing so.

The media isn't supposed to edit things. This is so unprecedented. The media is supposed to just give us the facts, straight up, and let US decide. No chopping up footage should be allowed, ever. No 'gotcha quotes,' either. Be REAL journalists and look at the big picture. As a Liberal I am so sickened that the media would ever do things like this to us.

I mean, it's one thing to edit and chop up George Zimmerman's 9-11 call, or Donald Trump's quotes. They don't deserve the 'benefit of context.' But liberal and pro-Feminist organizations should be off-limits to this kind of criticism. I believe that any news outlet that takes Planned Parenthood out of context should be fined and then shut down for doing this. Planned Parenthood provides a HEALTH and SAFETY service to women. And if you don't like that, then you're just a sexist.

I am sick of the editing. I am sick of the triggering. I am sick of the invalidation of our LEGITIMATE RAGE. Time to start taking action to make this society a SAFE ZONE for Feminists. If that means locking a few people away, then so be it.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

This Is What Social Justice Looks Like!

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Here at UC Berkeley, we combat Hate with our social justice protests.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

We Must Destroy 'The White Race.'

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And I literally have tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat rising as I write these words…

I took the time to read the details about the dear people who were sitting in that church in Charleston, people whose kindness to the shooter “almost” caused him to change his mind.

That detail breaks my heart even more deeply.

Why did I read all those life-stories?  Why would I welcome such detailed pain into my life? I'll tell you why: Because it helps me better understand the importance of my mission to destroy the 'White Race.' And there is no better example of why this needs to happen than the events in Charleston last week.

White people are sick. There, I said it, and it needs to be said and I feel better having said it. Whiteness needs to be abolished. Do I mean 'kill all whites?' Of course not. I liken it to those who want to abolish the monarchy. That doesn't mean 'kill the king.' It just means 'get rid of the titles and the privilege.'

And I want nothing more than to do just that. Abolish whiteness. Enact even higher quotas. Higher quotas until women are 50% of corporate boardrooms. Higher quotas until people of color are at least half of all engineers, lawyers and doctors. More affirmative action. Open those borders. And don't just open those borders, but gerrymander the school districts so that little white girls are in the classroom with little black boys. Subsidize interracial marriages, because that's the only way we're ever going to get rid of racism for good. Don't just applaud it in the media like we do, really support it.

That way we won't ever have racist outbursts such as what we have seen.

Sensitivity training just isn't enough. White Privilege conferences are great, but they need to be MANDATORY and ALL white children should be placed in them at age five, much like how German children are forced to see mutilated and charred bodies from concentration camps. We must 'brainwash' whiteness out of these people so that they can be normal human beings again.

We can do it. We can do it through education. We can do it through pharmaceutical pills. We can do it through microchips and real-time monitoring technology. And we can do it through social engineering. I will not abandon my focus on whiteness, no matter how vehement the pleas. Make no mistake about it: I intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as 'the white race' is destroyed. Not 'deconstructed,' but destroyed.

Please keep all comments civil, constructive and Feminist-friendly. Thanks. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

'Grumpy Opinions' Run By A Racist Slanderer

I can't even begin to tell you how angry and offended I am right this minute. I need help. I'm being victimized. A conservative Blogsite has started attacking me and it is causing me mental anxiety and triggering all kinds of stress and IT. MUST. STOP.

You can see the 'Grumpy' hit piece right here at this url.

I request help from the Millennial Tolerance Movement and Social Justice Warriors from Tumblr and Twitter. Let me tell you what's going on. The other day, 'Grumpy's Opinions,' a Conservative blogsite, featured my website in an ATTACK PIECE. In the attack piece, the blogger posted my quotes on various discussion boards. I don't mind that. But what I do mind is the SLANDER and overt HATE SPEECH. Take a look at this:

Most of the time (s)he’s displaying anger towards straight white Americans..  although in one post (s)he takes a shot at a black WWII era soldier.

That is outrageous and not true! I never once took a shot at any black WWII era soldier. In fact, the article he is referring to is me attacking GERMAN WWII era soldiers. In the article I APPLAUD a Black American soldier who helped acclimate prepubescant German girls to Multiculturalism by getting a little touchy with them. Germans, on the other hand, were evil misogynists who showed 'restraint' to children in countries they occupied. I was attacking THEM. Ugh. I don't see what the problem is.

But it gets worse. When I tried to politely get a retraction from 'Grumpy,' he attacked me with this RACIST tirade. Read it, and understand just how much farther we have to go in this world:

Did you get that? He called them 'Ragheads.' Way to go, Grumpy. Way to class an entire religion of people and use an ethnic slur. You need to be reported for hate crimes and frankly I am petitioning your webmaster to take your website DOWN due to HATE. 

To Social Justice Community: We must take 'Grumpy's Opinions' down. We must not tolerate this kind of intolerance. This person is assaulting my mind and causing all kinds of distress and therefore he needs to be silenced for the sake of EQUALITY. Thank you so much for this. I am considering reporting this person to Rachel Maddow, as well. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Racist Texas Police Harrass Impromptu Multicultural Pool Party

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More White Privilege at its worst. This time in Texas, which is no surprise at all. Racist police officers handcuffed black youths and slammed a yellow bikini-clad African-American woman into the ground. It was a disgusting scene that just highlights the terror of white privilege.

The reason? The young Black People of Color just wanted to show up at a private party and share their concerns about White Privilege and White Supremacy. Here is a break down at what happened:

1) White people held an end-of-school year party, posted said event on social media. Did not invite any black people.

2) Black youthes online saw gathering on social media. Decided party needed more diversity.

3) Black youths came uninvited. Many climbed fence to join.

4) Black youths began sharing their concerns on white supremacy. Black woman starts fight with white woman, pulls white woman's hair in an effort to acclimate white woman to a richly diverse cultural experience.

5) Racist white residents and homeowners have no tolerance, tell black youths to leave.

6) Black youths refuse to leave, continue sharing concerns about white supremacy.

7) Racist white residents call police.

8) Police arrive. Racist white property owners point out black people trespassing, starting fights.

9) Police exercise brutality on unarmed, innocent people of color, just like they did to Baby Trayvon. As the video below shows:

Obviously, black people of color have every right to show up at any private property they wish if it means sharing concerns about white supremacy and racism, just like the #BlackLivesMatter campaign has done on so many private eateries across the country. White people and their racist reactions are unacceptable, and the only way we're going to move forward is by abolishing whiteness and dismantling racist police forces. Personally, I believe this officer needs to spend ten years in jail.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

You're Either With Feminism or Against It

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Get a load of this garbage from

So I guess this is what they have moderating that vapid crap-hole called 'Heyo?' Sounds like a meterosexual weenie boy, but hey, that's no surprise is it? Any Disqus user is annoyed by the fact that these banal 'Squid' articles automatically show up on their feed. Most Squid 'blog' entries involve 'celeb chat' and other stupidity.

Well I decided to inject a little Feminism, because I'm sure that the fellow millennials at squid agree with equality. Some tramp decided to talk about how Harrison Ford was hot because he would make her 'feel safe.' That disgusting trifle showed that she was a WILLING SLAVE OF THE PATRIARCHY and I pointed it out.

Then this little dandy boy from Squid had to interject himself and accused me of 'spreading propaganda' even though he 'appreciates the work feminists have done.'


Chew on THAT!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Congratulations, Britain! It's V-E Day

For all you Americans who know nothing about the rest of the world, Britain is actually a modern, advanced country, and is no longer some place with idyllic pastures and Victorian values. And that was no more apparent than when UKIP, which is the party of right wing, Euroskeptic, anti-immigrant BIGOTS, got kicked in the ass in the latest General Election.

Britain is undergoing the same amazing transformation that America is. Britain is now a Multicultural country of Immigrants, and the vast majority of Britons recognize this as a GOOD thing. That's why they all voted against UKIP, which is basically the 'Tea Party' of Britain.

And guess what else? It's V-E day today. So let's take a moment of silence to remember how bad things used to be. The Nazis were running Europe, enforcing traditional culture, nationalism and women raising children. In the darkest days of WWII, Nazi Germany was knocking on Britain's door. Had Britain ever accepted the Evil Hitler's peace offer, Britain would have remained the Anglo-Saxon dominated country that it used to be.

Instead, courageous Britain drew a line in the sand and stood up for Multicultural values, and, with some help of much bigger countries, went on to defeat Germany and transform itself into a multicultural nation.

Think of how much better Britain is today as a result of the Second World War: No more British Empire, and now multiculturalism and diversity are on Britain's shores. Surely, Britain, these are your broad, sunlit uplands. Congratulations.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Biggest Crime Of Baltimore Riot Is Racist Speech

The Baltimore Riots are disgusting and I am absolutely livid about the name calling that is going on. I am incensed about the NAME CALLING people are engaging in when talking about the legitimate rioting CHILDREN of Baltimore. The greatest crime in the Baltimore Riots is not the destruction of private property, but the far more dangerous use of racist code words such as "thug."

You might as well just call these rioters 'the N-Word.' And that is an unspeakable crime which transcends the incineration of a hundred city blocks.

The people who are complaining about the destruction of businesses and homes are really missing the point here. These rioters, these POCs, are expressing their legitimate rage, and the best thing White People can do right now is just SHUT UP and LISTEN. LISTEN to the Black Community. Because LISTENING is the only way we are going to finally have a dialogue which leads to real progress.

But what are white people doing? Instead, they're taking to the airwaves and the internet and saying racist things that would get them locked up in Canada and Europe. This is yet another incidence proving that America NEEDS racial vilification laws, so that we can lock up the REAL criminals in this event: People who use the wrong speech.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

I Helped Shut Down "Sweet Cakes By Melissa" Go Fund Me Account

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Another crappy little family bakery takes it on the chin. I am proud to say that I helped shut down the GoFundMe campaign for 'Sweet Cakes By Melissa,' after that shop refused to serve a lesbian wedding cake for an LGBT marriage.

For those who don't know, 'Sweet Cakes By Melissa' was sued for discrimination in Oregon, and this little business must pay over $100,000 in damages to the Lesbian couple who they violated by not providing services for the LGBT wedding. 'Sweet Cakes By Melissa' set up a Bigot Fundraising account on GoFundMe. However, our movement, the Millennial Grassroots Tolerance campaign, started a phone complaint drive against GoFundMe. And you know what? GoFundMe gave us WHAT WE WANTED! YES!

THIS is a total victory, and payback for the $800,000+ raised by 'Memories Pizza.' While 'Memories Pizza,' that cruddy little family business, did get tremendous support from the Bigot community on GoFundMe, the funding platform is now aware that us Millennials will NOT tolerate intolerance. Just imagine. If Memories Pizza had to start up and do the fundraiser again, I bet GoFundMe would NOT let them through. We're not going to tolerate that EVER again.

In the end, we closed yet another window of society to the bigots. And I have a message for you older people and you bigots: Are you seeing a pattern here, people? We demanded Indiana change it's anti-LGBT laws. We got it. We demanded the CEO of Mozilla get fired because of his anti-LGBT beliefs. We Demanded that GoFundMe suspend accounts that we don't like. They did. We are the Millennials. We are an empowered generation. And guess what? We get, what we want.

We will change America. We will save America. We will SHOVE Gay Marriage down ALL your throats, in all fifty states, whether you want it or not. America needs us.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Time to Microchip Returning Veterans

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Tea Party retards are up in arms yet again. Well, they always are, but this time it's over the VA actively sharing medical information with the FBI in an effort to take firearms away from veterans who the system says are unhinged. 

To me, this program is just common sense. So what if the VA is sharing confidential information with the FBI? It's the government. And you shouldn't have anything to hide, anyway. Second of all, this is a mental health issue. The VA is just working to make sure people the government deems unsuitable to hold weapons aren't able to do so. This includes the mentally incompetent, the mentally insane, the deranged, and the paranoid people obsessed about their 'rights.' I think we can all agree that these people should not own guns.

The VA recognized returning veterans for what they are: Threats. Let's face it. If anyone feels that they need to own firearms to 'defend against possible government tyranny,' in 2015 America, then the government needs to lock those people up. Anyone who feels the need to buy weapons to protect against government infringement of rights, needs to have their guns taken away by the government. It really is that simple.

And Veterans, many of whom are mentally ill, and many still carry their obsession with 'rights,' are also the most combat capable of our society. Veterans could cause a revolution to topple the system. And the system has a right to monitor threats. Veterans are a threat.

But why do so in such an expensive way? Surely we can do this without the VA having to face public scrutiny. That's why I suggest microchipping all returning veterans.

Microchipping veterans will allow Fusion Center NSA-FBI-CIA-ATF-DARPA-VA-Law Enforcement authorities to constantly monitor all veterans in real time. And instead of having an actual person sitting at the monitor screen, we can use smart technology to capture any abnormal patterns in the brainwaves of the veterans. It's sort of like keystroke technology and the internet: Once a certain pattern of thoughts or biochemistry arises, an actual person can be called to monitor the offending veteran.

This should be used to monitor all sorts of things. If a Veteran is having paranoid thoughts about the government monitoring them or infringing on their "rights," said Veteran could be put in a mental health center. If a Veteran starts thinking about amassing guns, said Veteran could be put in a mental institution.

And it doesn't have to come to institutionalization, either. Microchips allow us to manage behavior to disincentivize things that are demonstrably bad for society. If a male Veteran's testosterone level gets too high, microchip could deliver a mild electric shock. If a white Veteran sees an interracial couple and gets a feeling of revulsion, electric should must be delivered to white Veteran's brain. The possibilities for making a better world, as you can see, are endless.

How will we get the Veterans to not resist being microchipped? That's easy. We can merely put the microchips into the vaccines. Hey, that way, any Veteran who resists will simply be branded an 'Anti-Vaxxer." Even Conservatives won't stand up for the 'anti-Vaxxers!'

I really think it's time we Microchip all veterans.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Melissa Harris-Perry Needs Help, Donate NOW!!!

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For those who aren't aware, Melissa Harris-Perry has been having some trouble paying her taxes. She's been going through a crisis and has fallen on some hard times. The IRS has now put a lien on her properties until she pays off those taxes. For fans of Melissa Harris-Perry, and I consider myself one of them, this is really upsetting and I think it's time to give back.

That's why I set up my crowdfunding campaign to help Melissa Harris-Perry move past this difficult time in her life. I think we can all agree that Melissa has put her life toward helping us, women and People of Color, reach our full potential in a society rife with institutional racism and sexism. Her avant-garde, yet refreshing commentary on MSNBC has enlightened many and has given us both ammunition and hope. Now it's time for the Social Justice Community to give back. 

Seriously, if some crappy, bigoted pizza parlor in Podunkville, Indianola can get $800,000, then I just know we in the Social Justice Movement can do even better. Let's not let these Bitter Clingers in Middle America outshine us, because they never will. Let's show America that the Millennials step in to help their champions of equality.

Melissa is the gleaming, blood-moistened tip of our Social Justice spear, and we are the firm wooden base. Let's keep Melissa thrusting deep inside the flesh of Middle America. Again and again. Harder. And deeper!

Whatever you can afford. Donate. 100% of every penny I receive will go straight to Melissa's coffers. And if not, I promise on penalty of perjury to give every cent of your money back. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Another Anti-Gay Business In Middle America. You Know What To Do

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Brian Klawiter of DieselTec is racist and sexist, just like his Nazi German ancestors surely were. This bigot recently went online to Facebook and posted that he would "openly refuse service to gay people." 

It's time for us Millennials to swoop in and show, once again, that Intolerance will not be Tolerated in this new, Multicultural America. Millennial Grassroots Tolerance Campaign must put pressure on this crappy little family-owned business. I wouldn't shed a tear if it got shut down one way or another.

LGBT Rights are the #1 issue for the Millennial generation, and people like Brian Klawiter are standing in the way of Martin Luther King's dream. Klawiter will soon learn that what used to take twelve months now takes twelve minutes on Social Media. As Millennials, we have HAD IT with intolerance. And we have HAD IT with little family-owned businesses standing in the way of GAY RIGHTS. 

We got Memories Pizza shut down. We got the CEO of Mozilla FIRED for his incorrect opinion. We've come so, so far, Millennials. We can't let Brian Klawiter freely say these incorrect opinions without a response. Time to respond. 

Ignore Gang Rape if it Reinforces Racial Stereotypes

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Well, if you pay attention to Florida local news you might have heard that these two individuals and one other gang-raped a spring-breaker at Panama City Beach. Hundreds of college stood there on the beach, watching this gang-rape take place. And the Bay County Sheriff called this the "sickest thing he'd ever seen."

Rape Culture is a serious problem on university campuses. And I believe that every accusation of fraternity rape needs to get national attention. A rape accusation should be more than enough to shut down an entire fraternity on campus.A few months ago, students at the University of Virginia staged massive protests against fraternity sexual assaults. These protests were organized by Feminist groups, and I am so proud of that. Even though sexual assaults in that case were found to be false, it's a good thing that at least the student body is aware and awake to the issues.

Rolling Stone did the right thing by publishing its rape story from University of Virginia, even though it ended up being not true. Hey, it's better to be safe than sorry. While the allegations turned out to be false, Rolling Stone's courageous journalism brought national attention to a real problem, and I think we can all agree this is a GOOD thing.

However, both Feminists and Rolling Stone have shown grand restraint in reporting the Panama City gang-rape case which, unlike the UVA case, actually happened because we have it on tape. This restraint is because the perpetrators are Black People of Color.

Rape is important, but we have to be careful not to perpetuate racial stereotypes, and so Rolling Stone and the Feminist community are really doing the right thing here by remaining silent on this real gang rape, while casting national attention to a rape that didn't even happen.

The truth is, in this multicultural world we are building, we have to be very careful about the stereotypes that we are putting forward. Gang rape cases where Black Males are the perpetrators really need to be downplayed because highlighting cases like these is likely to cause division in the community, and that's the LAST thing we want.

As a housekeeping issue, comments are welcome, but keep in mind this is a Feminist-Only Safe Zone.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Marco Cruz, Ted Rubio, Old Tires, and Other Useless Things

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Yay! So the other day Ted Rubio announced that he was running for president! This comes on the heels of Marco Cruz announcing the same thing. So it looks like the Republican Party is getting nice and full. This should be exciting. I wish Ted Rubio well and I hope that he kills it in the Republican Primary. A Ted Rubio or Marco Cruz victory would all but ensure another eight years of Hillary Clinton, whom I believe is the best presidential candidate (although as a Feminist I will at least consider what Jeb Bush has to say).

But I want to talk about why I am so pumped about Marco Cruz and Ted Rubio. These guys are great! Both are Tea Party cranks, both believe in the RIDICULOUS idea that they have the right to tell me what to do with MY vagina, and both, hilariously so, are against Amnesty!

The irony in that! Haaahahaha. But really, it's not ironic at all. And the fact that both Marco Cruz and Ted Rubio even GOT promoted by the Republican Party is just PATHETIC. 

Let's cut the crap for a minute here. The Republicans have a diversity PROBLEM. As America becomes less and less white, which is a good thing, the Party of Racism has less and less a chance of winning. 

Marco Cruz and Ted Rubio is the Republican Party's response to this, and it is PATHETIC. I mean, look at these two guys. They don't LOOK like the Culturally Rich Latinos that I see on a daily basis. They're white-washed as all get out! You really think these WHITE FACES with Spanish names are really going to resonate with the Culturally Rich Latino vote?! Especially when these two CHUCKLEHEADS are against Amnesty?! Try AGAIN.

Here's why Marco Cruz and Ted Rubio are going to LOSE against Hillary Clinton:

(1) The Culturally Rich Latinos are all going to break for the Democrats. Why? Because the Democrats care about their family members. The Democrats want to help them provide access to America. Democrats such as Luis Gutierrez are the real deal, and he is with Hillary all the way. 

(2) The Blacks will vote Democrat NO MATTER WHAT. I mean heck. Black unemployment has skyrocketed under Obama and has stayed sky-high for the eight years of his tenure. Yet, the Blacks will STILL vote democrat, because Blacks understand what really matters in their everyday lives, and that is GETTING WHITE PEOPLE. You can COUNT on the black vote for Hillary. 

(3) Millennials! I can't stress this enough. We Millennials are an EMPOWERED generation that does NOT accept half-measures of equality. When businesses decide to express an incorrect opinion, we Millennials work to get them fired or have their business shut down. High unemployment among Millennials? Nice try. We aren't concerned. What concerns US are Student Loan Forgiveness, Free Healthcare and LGBT RIGHTS. And the Democrats will deliver. As for this Marco Cruz crap, forget it. Nice TRY. Who needs a job when I can get free birth control? 

So I hope you now understand why Marco Cruz and Ted Rubio are just a couple of pool cleaners and always will be. I truly hope these two chuckleheads win the nomination because Hillary Clinton will CRUSH them. As long as we just keep Rand Paul OUT. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Feminist Safe Zone: There Can Only Be ONE

Attention! If you're at this blog because you've read some long, spammy message, rest assured that it is NOT ME who wrote that. There's a jerk from The Daily Caller named "McCabe" who is impersonating me with ridiculous posts designed to make Feminism look stupid.

Here's the one way you can tell that it's me in Disqus: Click the user name to get info. You'll ALWAYS see that my posts are public for all to see. The imposter always keeps his info private. You can ALWAYS follow my posts in Disqus if you'd like. You can NEVER follow the posts of my imposter.

Personally, I don't understand why Daily Caller and other websites sit by and do nothing while someone uses my name, but whatever. As for "McCabe," he's just upset because I banned him from this site. And, by the way, McCabe, I banned you because of your graphic sexual language. Hopefully others will ban you, too.

Friday, April 10, 2015

REPORTED! To Rachel Maddow

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Sharing my advant-garde Feminist ideas to middle America can be challenging and at times unforgiving. There are occasions when I get a backlash of hate speech. I believe there is no place for hate. I also believe that Hate Speech must be made illegal, and there must be fines and jail time for racial vilification. We just can't have that kind of thing in a new, Multicultural society.

Unfortunately, in the United States we must update the First Amendment in order to enact more advanced legislation. Until that day, Hate Speech should be reported to your closest Progressive advocate in society. For me, that is Rachel Maddow.

Therefore, whenever I hear Hate Speech on Disqus, especially when such hate speech is in reaction to me sharing my Feminist ideas, I let the poster know that I am forwarding their speech to Rachel Maddow.

Ninety percent of the time, that is more than enough to get said offender to apologize.

Here is one example on the effect of a Rachel Maddow intervention. The reaction was quite strong, and it snapped the offending poster back into reality. 


The strong effect of a Rachel Maddow intervention shines through on this post. As you can see, the Homophobe bigot AFR2 opens his mouth to spew anti-gay hate speech. He is promptly reminded by another poster that Rachel Maddow is on the case. 


This poster, who is a global warming denier, just realized that he was about to be skewered on MSNBC. 


A bigoted poster from Texas gets informed of a Rachel Maddow intervention. The bigotry has stopped.


Poster Steves_59 from a few posts back is still upset that he will be skewered on MSNBC by Rachel Maddow. Here he attempts to retaliate.


Sometimes even the threat of a Rachel Maddow intervention isn't enough to get a poster to stop the hate speech. I will never understand the irrational behaviour of some people.


Progressives, I hope this has been an important lesson in online discourse. When sharing your feminist ideas with those unfamiliar, there are times when hostility arises. It's best to remind those who commit Hate Speech that they will be reported to someone. My suggestion is to find your closest Progressive icon and report to them. In my case, it's Rachel Maddow. You, however, should find the one closest to yourself. 


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Rand Paul Belongs in a MUSEUM

(Disqus Comments Inside) 

Rand Paul is a dangerous bigot. There, I said it. His ideas are old and have no place in the new, Multicultural America. And quite frankly, he belongs in a MUSEUM. He's racist, sexist and anti-gay.

Think I'm exaggerating? Think again. First of all, Rachel Maddow completely destroyed Racist Rand and got him to admit that he 'had issues with' parts of the Civil Rights Act. Rand is OK with putting Black people on the Back 40.

Boom! Reported to Rachel Maddow!

Rand is also a massive Sexist who wants to put his hands all over my vagina and the vaginas of all other women. He believes that life starts in the womb and that women do no have the choice and the right to terminate a sack of water-filled flesh if they don't want it. What's next Rand? Going to take away our RIGHT to mutilate infant genitals? 

Racist Rand uses his 'libertarian' views as a way to hide his 'traditional' values. Over the last decades, government organizations and progressive NGOs have brought us some great things: Affirmative Action, civil rights, Quotas, LGBT lifestyle education for 5-year olds, mandatory government sex education for children, Planned Parenthood funding. The list goes on and on. Racist Rand wants 'government out of our lives,' and these things are EXACTLY what he is referring to. In other words, Rand is going to take us back to the 1950s. NO. Go to hell, Rand. 

'President Rand Paul' would do everything he could to uphold "Free Speech" and prevent needed Human Rights advancements, such as Hate Speech Laws and Racial Vilification laws already in place in most of the western world. In Racist Rands' mind, the "right" to 'Free Speech' is more important than the rights of POCs and LGBTs to be free from vilification and hurtful words.

People such as Rand Paul belong in a Museum. His support for dangerous freedoms make him a threat to the new, Multicultural America we are all building right now. In this new world that does not tolerate intolerance, Rand Paul has no place. His 'live and let live' Libertarianism is dangerous. A threat to all the progress made in the last 50 years. We need to expose this cruddy ol' bigot for what he is. Flood his twitter account. Protest his every single appearance. Pass Hate Speech Laws.

For Feminists and Social Justice Advocates, there is NO worse nightmare scenario than "President Rand Paul." 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Obama Reunites Families of Culturally Rich Latinos

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I don't agree with Obama on many things. However, he has done everything he can regarding immigration. Unfortunately we aren't going to get a reasonable immigration system. It's broken. But President Obama is doing the next best thing by flying in the children of recently entered 'illegals.' ( NO human is "illegal")

Those mothers and fathers that braved the dangers to get to the US should be allowed to reunite with their loving families, and President Obama is here to provide. Starting soon, the US government will provide airfare for these promising children and will bring them here so they can be back with their loving parents. thereby ensuring these children access to America. This is the way ANY humane nation does things. And I am proud of America today.

For those who think this is "treason" or "robbery," I have a few things to share. First off, shut up with the racism. Second of all, have compassion for the children and families. Finally, while this program may cost a little up front, the long term benefits to America are amazing. By just their presence, Culturally Rich Latinos add to the diversity of America, and enrich our culture by being here. They work harder than most Americans, and they love their families more than Americans do. In other words, Culturally Rich Latinos are more American than the Americans. 

So for those of you who say this is a bad idea. I say this: Si se puede! Si se puede! Si se puede! 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

I Helped Shut Down Memories Pizza

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I admit it. I am one of the people who made nasty Yelp reviews to Memories Pizza. I did nothing illegal, of course, but I am proud to say that I contributed to shutting down a business that said it would discriminate against LGBTs. I am so proud to be part of this momentous grassroots movement that will not tolerate intolerance.

It's morning in Multicultural America, because finally, we Millenials are finding our own voice and taking the lead in the struggle for Social Justice. And I've got news for all you older people: Ours is a generation that will NOT accept half-measures toward equality. Ours is a generation that demands full progress, and nothing less. We're idealists. And make no mistake: We're watching you.

As a Millenial, and a Feminist, I'm all for Free Speech, but America is undergoing a rapid demographic change toward Multiculturalism. Without this change, America will not survive. In this Multicultural America, there is no room for discrimination. There is no place for hate. We have protected classes, such as POCs and LGBTs, who have a right to go about their lives without being offended or having their feelings hurt, and our First Amendment needs to be updated to reflect that.

This issue is so much bigger than just the RFRA laws. And we have just begun to fight.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

JAIL Governor Mike Pence

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I know, I know what you're thinking. Jailing a lawmaker for making a law is something one might see in China or North Korea. Doing so is somehow "Un-American." The truth of the matter is, though, intolerance of any kind is preventing the new, Multicultural America from moving forward as one. In school we all learned that there is no room for discrimination, and we all learned not to tolerate intolerance. For most of us, this is not even up for debate. 

YET, still we see hateful, misogynist, homophobic legislation pushed through in what is supposed to be a post-racial, pansexual America. Why is this happening? How do we fix it?

The answer to the first question is White Privilege. The answer to the second question is International Law.

The United Nations is very clear that western countries MUST have Racial Vilification Laws on their books, and most of western Europe and the English-speaking world already do, believe it or not. It's a matter of Human Rights. America is the one exception, and it is far behind the times. 

For the great experiment of Multicultural America to move forward, we need to first jail people who espouse hateful opinions, and use dangerous 'freedoms' by which to do so. I can see no better example of Governor Michael Pence of Indiana. Frankly, he needs to check his white male privilege and understand that hateful, hurtful opinions such as his should not be allowed, much less codified into the law. 

It really is time to just get these people out. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Racist Chants at SAE Shows Need for Hate Speech Laws

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Surely you know about the racist chants at Oklahoma University. Two former members of the fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon were caught on video chanting this:

Common decency says these 19 year old boys need to have their lives ended. Some young people get into gangs. Some young people do drugs. And some young people yet do the most dangerous thing: Chant things that are racially hurtful. 

In every other country on the planet, at least in the west, these boys would be sent to a Human Rights tribunal and thrown in jail for saying bad things. But in America, the primitive 'constitution' protects bigoted speech from criminal prosecution. "Freedom of Speech," as they say. 

This is completely at odds with international law which the US is bound to. The United Nations has stated many times that all ideas based on racial superiority must be outlawed. By failing to prosecute hurtful racist words, the United States is violating international law. The United Nations has stated many times that international law has absolute authority. 

As a Feminist I believe in freedom of speech, but I also believe in a person's right to go through life without any racial vilification. Your right to "Free Speech" ends where People Of Color's feelings begin. We all learned that in school. It's not up for debate. 

America is way behind the times when it comes to human rights. We need Hate Speech laws here, just like there are in the rest of the English-speaking world. That way, we can take throw 19-year-olds in jail when they say bad things. In the name of Human Rights. Do YOU have any decency? 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

I'm being mobbed by Misogynists

It's come to my attention that some misogynist somewhere is sharing my blog on Facebook. Now the Misogynists are mobbing my site and skewing my poll. Out of NINE votes,  EIGHT of them say that Feminism is wrong.

One person voted to put white males in concentration camps, but I have a hunch that he was just joking.

If there was a way I could BLOCK Facebook sharing I would. Just GET OUT of here, misogynists! You are NOT welcome on this site.

Thursday, February 19, 2015