Monday, April 13, 2015

Feminist Safe Zone: There Can Only Be ONE

Attention! If you're at this blog because you've read some long, spammy message, rest assured that it is NOT ME who wrote that. There's a jerk from The Daily Caller named "McCabe" who is impersonating me with ridiculous posts designed to make Feminism look stupid.

Here's the one way you can tell that it's me in Disqus: Click the user name to get info. You'll ALWAYS see that my posts are public for all to see. The imposter always keeps his info private. You can ALWAYS follow my posts in Disqus if you'd like. You can NEVER follow the posts of my imposter.

Personally, I don't understand why Daily Caller and other websites sit by and do nothing while someone uses my name, but whatever. As for "McCabe," he's just upset because I banned him from this site. And, by the way, McCabe, I banned you because of your graphic sexual language. Hopefully others will ban you, too.

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