(Disqus comments inside)
Sharing my advant-garde Feminist ideas to middle America can be challenging and at times unforgiving. There are occasions when I get a backlash of hate speech. I believe there is no place for hate. I also believe that Hate Speech must be made illegal, and there must be fines and jail time for racial vilification. We just can't have that kind of thing in a new, Multicultural society.
Unfortunately, in the United States we must update the First Amendment in order to enact more advanced legislation. Until that day, Hate Speech should be reported to your closest Progressive advocate in society. For me, that is Rachel Maddow.
Therefore, whenever I hear Hate Speech on Disqus, especially when such hate speech is in reaction to me sharing my Feminist ideas, I let the poster know that I am forwarding their speech to Rachel Maddow.
Ninety percent of the time, that is more than enough to get said offender to apologize.
Here is one example on the effect of a Rachel Maddow intervention. The reaction was quite strong, and it snapped the offending poster back into reality.
The strong effect of a Rachel Maddow intervention shines through on this post. As you can see, the Homophobe bigot AFR2 opens his mouth to spew anti-gay hate speech. He is promptly reminded by another poster that Rachel Maddow is on the case.
This poster, who is a global warming denier, just realized that he was about to be skewered on MSNBC.
A bigoted poster from Texas gets informed of a Rachel Maddow intervention. The bigotry has stopped.
Poster Steves_59 from a few posts back is still upset that he will be skewered on MSNBC by Rachel Maddow. Here he attempts to retaliate.
Sometimes even the threat of a Rachel Maddow intervention isn't enough to get a poster to stop the hate speech. I will never understand the irrational behaviour of some people.
Progressives, I hope this has been an important lesson in online discourse. When sharing your feminist ideas with those unfamiliar, there are times when hostility arises. It's best to remind those who commit Hate Speech that they will be reported to someone. My suggestion is to find your closest Progressive icon and report to them. In my case, it's Rachel Maddow. You, however, should find the one closest to yourself.
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